Дистанційне навчання. Англійська мова 5 клас. Вчителька Подерня С.Л.
Урок 74
Погода у різних частинах світу. Урок аудіювання.
навчальна: повторити тематичні одиниці й мовні зразки з теми; розвивати навички вживання вивченої лексики в усному мовленні; удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання; тренувати у вживанні речень в теперішньому неозначеному та теперішньому тривалому часах; практикувати в усному мовленні;
виховна: виховувати бажання піклуватися про природу, любити та берегти її
розвиваюча: розвивати усі види пам’яті, увагу, уяву, мовленнєву реакцію, комунікативні здібності. 1.Повідомлення теми уроку.
Today we are going to speak about the weather and seasons. And today you will travel to different parts of the world.
2. Фонетична зарядка.
[ŋ] shining, smiling
[æ] bad, sad
[aı] dry, fine, surprise
[ð] the, weather
3. Мовленнєва зарядка. Читання вірша.
And now read the poem.
The sun is shining When it is dry
And I am smiling. We are fine.
The weather is bad The weather is nice,
And I am sad. Isn’t it a surprise?
Повторюємо лексичні одиниці по темі ''Погода'' за посиланнямhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXKj7bm4Ops&t=38s
Бесіда за змістом вірша та тренування у мовленні мовних структур What weather do you like\dislike
- So, what weather do you like/ dislike? Why? -I like / dislike the weather when it is ___ (cold, sunny, warm, hot, frosty) because I can/can’t ______.
Лексична гра «Торнадо». Дітям пропонується знайди слова, які змішав торнадо .
nnysu, dlco, aym, arwm, utuanm, ummers, eawther, loucdy, noswy, oth, easson.
Подання тексту для читання. Дітям пропонується прочитати листа, який їм надіслала дівчинка із Лондону.
Teacher: Yesterday I received a letter from the English girl. Now you’ll read this letter but there are some unknown words in it. Let’s read and remember them.
soon - незабаром appeared – з’явилися changed – змінилася - виділені слова записуємо у словник та вчимо напам'ять.
Teacher: Ok, now let’s read the letter, name the words instead the pictures. Читаня листа.
Hello boys and girls!
My name is Ann. I am from London. I have my day-off today. It was very ___ in the morning. And my friends and I went to play in the yard. It was warm. But soon many dark _____ appeared in the sky. It was ____ and ____ . We ran home quickly. But after dinner the weather changed again. The weather is fine now. The ___ is blue and the ____ is shining brightly. We are very happy and are enjoying the weather now.
What is the weather like in your town now?
What is the weather like in your native country?
Післятекстове завдання. Діти відповідають на запитання. Відповіді записумо у зошит.
1.What is the weather like today in Sumy?
2.What is the weather like in Ukraine?
3.Write the answers to Ann’s letter.
Гра ''Відгадай пору року'' встав пропущені слова
1/ December, January and February are months. In it is very cold and frosty. Sometimes it is snowy or windy. The sky is blue. The sun shines but it is cold. The days are short, the nights are long. The ground, the trees and the houses are white with snow. Children like to play snowballs, make snowmen or sledge.
2\March, April and May are months. is a warm season. Nature awakens in spring. The sky is blue. There are the first flowers in the parks, forests and gardens. The birds sing songs. The grass is green and the trees are in blossom. The air is fresh.
3\June, July and August are months. is a bright season. It is hot and dry, but sometimes it is rainy and wet. The grass and trees are green and beautiful. There are a lot of bright flowers in parks and gardens. Children like very much because they have holidays. They can go to the camp, to the river or to the village.
4\ September, October and November are months. It is chilly in . It often rains. The trees are brown, yellow or red. The sky is dark blue or grey. There are many clouds in the sky. It is a dull season. But when the weather is good we like to go to the forests to pick up mushrooms. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in : apples, plums, grapes, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. It’s a tasty season! In the school starts.
Відгадки назв пір року можна надіслати у mmessenger. Ваші повідомлення чекаю до 15.00 щоденно до 03.04.2020 року
Повторюємо граматичний матеріал
1. Теперішній тривалий час за посиланням https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncz_dgy8ciw
Письмо речень. Перебудувати речення з теперішнього тривалого часу в теперішній неозначений час.
- It is snowing now. ----
- 2) It is raining at the moment. ---------------
- 3) The birds are singing now. ------------ ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ ПРО РІЗНУ ПОГОДУ У РІЗНИХ ЧАСТИНАХ СВІТУ
Teacher: Now you’ll travel around the world. Listen to the weather from different parts of the world. Complete the cards with the necessary information. At first let’s pronounce the proper names: England, Argentina, Canada, Australia. 1. It is very wet and rainy here in London. The temperature is 10 degrees above zero. There are only a few people outside. They are holding umbrellas. Most people are watching TV or playing board games at home. Rainy days are so boring! 2.It’s cloudy and windy here in Buenos Aries. The temperature is 18 degrees above zero. So it’s not very cold. People are walking in the park. A few are having picnics or flying kites. 3. It’s snowing heavily here in Ottawa. The temperature is around 10 degrees below zero. It’s freezing cold. Some kids are building a big snowman in the street. Others are playing in the snow. It’s great fun! 4. It’s hot and sunny and delight. The temperature is 28 degrees above zero. Everyone is at the beach. Most people are swimming and sunbathing. Some are fishing. It is a lovely day! Післятекстове завдання. Діти заповнюють картки і переказують отриману інформацію. Teacher: Complete the tables with necessary information.
Pupil 2. I’m fine, thank you.
Pupil 1. What is the weather like in Brazil?
Pupil 2. The weather is fine. It’s too hot and sunny.
Pupil 1. What temperature is it in Brazil now?
Pupil 2. It’s 28 degrees above zero.
Pupil 1. What are you doing?
Pupil 2. I am sunbathing and swimming in the ocean.
Pupil 1. Wow, lucky you.
Pupil 2. Yes, sure.