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Всього 73 людини

Дистанційне навчання. Англійська мова 8 клас. Вчителька Подерня С.Л.

Дата: 1 квітня 2020 о 15:09, Оновлено 1 квітня 2020 о 15:37
144 перегляда

Урок 48-49
Улюблені мелодії. Відомі композитори. Часові форми дієслів.


          Повідомлення теми тамети уроку.

             T: Today we are going to revise everything we have learnt about music , styles of music , music tastes , practice our listening, reading , speaking. So our today’s topic is “Favourite melodies’ But at first lets worm up a little bit.

          Your task is to fill in the table with these words.

classical music ,  drums,   rock’n’roll ,  producer,   lyrics,   to play the piano,   pop music ,   punk  jazz,   heavy metal  ,catchy melody , folk song , violinreggae songwriter   guitar   percussion band     string instruments  beat   lover of music   wind instrumentsguitarist   pop star  saxophone   tune   musician  singer 

           Заповнити таблицю. Розподілити лексику на 3 типи. Відповіді відсилаємо у messenger.



Types of music


          Lets speak about English Idioms. How do you understand them?  ( Читаємота перекладаємо англійські ідіоми, складаємо речення)

Картинки по запросу 10 музыкальных идиом на английском картинки          Ідіоми записуємо у словник. Вчимо. ЗРАЗКИ РЕЧЕНЬ З ІДІОМАМИ ЗАПИСУЄМО ДО РОБОЧИХ ЗОШИТІВ.

1.For a song

Дуже дешево

Is that your new car? - Yeah, you know, I bought it for a song. - Lucky you!

2. Music to my ears

Дуже приємні новини

Lilly finally got the job. It was really a music to my ears.

3. Set something to music

Дуже гостро відповісти (з сарказмом).

The writer has set all the negative commentaries to music.

4. Elevator Music

Популярна та легка музика

I love that elevator music in Skymall.

5. Chin Music

Безглузді балачки

6. Face the music

Прийняти критику за те, що зробив

After robbing 10 banks, the thief finally had to face the music and receive his punishment of 25 years in prison.

7. Change your tune

Кардинально змінити думку

: He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when I told him how much money he'd get out of it.

8. Play it by ear

Означає  невизначеність у будь яких ситуаціях

Пример: I'm not sure how long I'll stay at the party. I'll just play it by ear.

9. Ring a bell

Здаватися знайомим

 I thought that your name rang a bell when I heard the teacher call roll. You were in my English class two years ago, weren’t you?

10. Jam session

Коли музиканти грають імпровізовану музику

Every Tuesday night there is a jam session at my house with my closest friends, sometimes the music can get really loud.

                                 Listening and Reading. Завдання на розвиток навичок аудіювання та читання.

      Pre-listening stage .

        We can’t imagine our life without music. We listen it every day: in the bus, at home, on the radio, or TV. So tell me please, what music do your family members like? Do they play any musical instrument? Do they sing? And now you are going to listen to the text and then answer True or False.

Music (2)

       My family is very musical. My father plays the guitar. He plays in a band. The band plays country music. My mother is a singer in the band. She also plays the piano. I took the flute in music class at school. I play the flute in the school band. I also sing in the school choir. I have a low voice. My sister has a high voice. She is a soprano. At home I like to practice the drums, but my mother says that it is too loud. Sometimes I play so loudly that I break a drumstick. I practice whenever she goes out. I would like to be in a rock band. Some of my friends and I are thinking of starting our own rock band. My sister is a very good piano player. She has won many awards at music festivals. She likes to play classical music, but sometimes I get her to play rock music with me. She is also a very good singer. I like to sing with her. We sing in harmony. I listen to music all the time on the radio. I know a lot of songs. I can sing along with most of the songs that come on the radio. I memorize the lyrics of the songs. My sister and I sometimes get together and sing our favorite songs. Maybe someday we will start our own rock band, and I will be the drummer. 

                          Post- listening stage  Write ''true'' or ''false''

  1. Her family likes music very much and they are very musical. 
  2. The girl’s parents are in a band. 
  3. Her mother is a singer but she cannot play any musical instrument. 
  4. The author can play the Flute.
  5. She would like to be in a rock band.
  6. Her sister is not very good piano player.
  7. The children like to sing.
  8. It is ease for her to memorize the lyrics of the songs.
  9. They both like to play classical music.
  10. She dreams to be the drummer.     

           Writing. Завдання на розвиток навичок писььма.

Т: Complete the sentences with one of the following words.











  1. __________can be inspiring force only if it is itself inspired.
  2. Music __________us because we all have different tendencies.
  3. Each person will __________from the music the kind of felling natural to him.
  4. As we absorb the __________of the music our inner nature grows.
  5. This growth is an _________of the psyche.
  6. Music can open new phases of our __________ of life.
  7. The way of __________of music is limitless.


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