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Всього 73 людини

Дистанційне навчання. Англійська мова 6 клас. Вчителька Подерня С.Л.

Дата: 2 квітня 2020 о 16:34
272 перегляда

Урок 52-53
Історичні місця Лондона. Відвідування музею. Граматична структура ''as...as...'', ''not as...as''

               Переглядаємо слайди . Повторюємо лексичні одиниці теми.




7.  8.

9.  10.

11.  12.

13.  14. 

               Complete the text using the words given below:  Доповніть речення у тексті поданими словами    Was, stay, stands,can, lived,gives

            For a long time The Tower of London ___ a fortress, a prison, and a palace. Many queens and kings ___there. In the Tower you ____ see the famous . Beefeaters and ravens. The legend says: ”Only so long as the ravens_____,  will the White Tower ___”. The raven master is a person who ______them food.

            Reading(ex.2 p.128) Читання. Вправу можна віднайти у підручнику

The Tower of London.

      In the past the Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison. Today it is a wonderful museum.

          Black ravens meet tourists there. They have lived here for centuries.  The Raven Master takes care of the ravens. He gives them meat in the morning and in the evening. The old legend says that if the ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall  and Britain with it.

     You can also see “Beefeaters” in the traditional Tudor uniforms in the Tower of London. They usually tell the visitors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.         

                Сomplete the missing parts of the sentences: (ex.4 p.129) Доповнити речення.

  1. … gives the black ravens meat in the morning and in the evening.
  2. According to the legend … will fall without ravens in it.
  3. Today the Tower of London is a wonderful….
  4. … lived in the Tower of London.

                          Grammar. Comparisons with as…as/ not as…as: (p.129) Ознайомитися з граматичною структурою можна за посиланням https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCAqjdrwipw


                               Write the sentences as in the example. Use as… as or not as …as (ex.6 p.129)

Examples: The Houses of Parliament is beautiful. Buckingham Palace is beautiful too. – The Houses of Parliament is as beautiful as Buckingham Palace.

  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral is old. Westminster Abbey is older than St. Paul’s Cathedral.
  2. Trafalgar Square is famous. Parliament Square is famous, too.
  3. Oxford is beautiful. London is more beautiful.
  4. Whitehall is crowded. Oxford Street is more crowded.
  5. London is busy city. Kyiv is busy, too.
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