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Дистанційне навчання. Англійська мова. 11 клас. Вчитель Савсюк І.В.

Дата: 15 квітня 2020 о 17:29
Автор: Савсюк І. В.
105 переглядів

Урок 75. Тема уроку. Готуємось до лексико-граматичної роботи з теми "Speaking about Art"

I. Read the text and write answers to the questions below it. (1,5)

Following the artist Marcel Duchamp who painted Mona Lisa with a beard, the American artist Karen Eland also used coffee to create a kind of Mocha Lisa, the funny but truly creative art caused strong reaction. If you think the Mocha Lisa’s bright spot lies in mocha coffee in Mona Lisa’s hand, you would be wrong, in fact, this picture is completely painted with coffee. Karen spent nearly seven months painting the Mocha Lisa. She uses fresh-baked coffee to mix with water as the paint, painting different shades of shadow. Mocha Lisa is not the first time that Karen painted with coffee, she has also produced a number of «coffee version» world famous paintings, including the engagement portrait of Prince William and Kate; as her coffee art has been sold at 15,000 dollars, she is confident in the future market. Karen Eland said she has been a coffee lover, her using coffee as a pigment in painting was inspired by an experience in 1998. At that time she was creating watercolour in a coffee shop cup in Tulsa, Oklahoma City. Different shades of the colour of coffee excited her, and so coffee art was born.

1) What substance did the American artist Karen Eland use to create a kind of Mocha Lisa portrait?

2) How long did it take Karen to paint the Mocha Lisa?

3) What kind of coffee did she use?

4) Why is Karen confident in the «future market»?

5) When was Karen’s coffee art born?

II. Read carefully and match the correct text to each word.(1,5)

1) affect

a) when a lot of people admire or respect smb or smth

2) recognition

b) books and stories about people and events that are not real

3) meaningless

c) to make smth or smb different

4) fiction

d) unusual and noticeable

5) striking

e) without any purpose or meaning

6) significant

f) mix two or more things together thoroughly

7) blend together

g) important

III.Translate into English. 

Word Bank: arrangement, striking, meaningless, significant, fiction.

  1. Вона дуже вражаюча жінка.
  2. Цей фільм варто переглянути.
  3. Було неможливо передати словами той зворушливий сюжет
  4. Ця картина змусила його затамувати подих.

IV. Complete the sentences by changing the verb in brackets into participle. 

  1. The book (write) by him is not very interesting.
  2. I don’t like the video (buy) yesterday.
  3. The question (discuss) at the meeting was very important.
  4. The translation (do) by me was very easy.
  5. (live) in Kyiv, he was able to see all the ancient monuments.
V. Describe your favourite film. 
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